Wednesday, June 09, 2004

over to hougang stadium
met raphael at six
after he had been working out in the gym
for forty five mins while waiting for me! hahah!
was supposedly supposed to go to the gym
with claire while he would be at his swimming lessons
but he heard it all wrong
claire said she wasnt coming!
and he told me she was coming!
so he left for his swimming lessons
i went to the stadium to run
told me to meet him
outside the swimming complex at six fifty five
i waited and waited all the way til seven twenty!
he finally came out
walked around hougang area
claire asked me over to her house to watch vcds
was on the phone with her
while raphael was happily eating
his ice cream cone from macs
a girl in purple t-shirt touched his ass! hahah!
anyway! took a bus down with raphael
to casurina to meet claire for dinner
three of us shared indian rojak!
then over to claire's place
raphael stayed outside though
was being a real retard!
imagine a fella like him
afraid of the dark area?! hahah!
163 on the way to compasspoint
my phone batt died off while i was listening to radio
so shared with him since he was listening
and since his phone batt was working fine.
got off at compasspoint at ten thirty
and he was supposed to be home by ten?! SHIT.

hadd funn today! ((((:
hoped you didnt get into any trouble though.


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